Aladdin Oil & Gas Company ASA (AOGC) has as its business purpose to invest in oil and gas activitites in Russia. The company was established in January 2006. AOGC is an exploration and production company with 100% ownership in the Russian oil company OOO Geotechnologia based in Ukhta with licenses in the Timian Pechora province in the north-east Russia, and 100% ownership in OOO Veselovskoye in Orenburg with licenses in the Volga-Ural region in South of Russia. The company has a total of 8 exploration and production licenses in its portfolio. Our first gas field started to deliver gas to the domestic marked in Ukhta 1st.Quarter 2010 and increasing oil production from Orenburg.
Норвежская компания с арабским названием :)
графики выше конечно ужс, чуть не банкрот если ничо не такого не было
Aladdin Oil & Gas Company ASA is a Norwegian based exploration and production company, head quartered in Oslo, with its shares traded on the OTC list under the ticker code AOGC. The company owns the Russian oil company OOO Geotechnologia which holds two licenses in the Timan-Pechora province in Northwest Russia, as well as 6 licenses through our companies ZAO Orneftegaz and OOO Veselovskoye in the Orenburg area.
сурово акции упали с 2006 года, или это допэмиссия была?
Интерсено :)
с оф. сайта
Aladdin Oil & Gas Company ASA (AOGC) has as its business purpose to invest in oil and gas activitites in Russia. The company was established in January 2006. AOGC is an exploration and production company with 100% ownership in the Russian oil company OOO Geotechnologia based in Ukhta with licenses in the Timian Pechora province in the north-east Russia, and 100% ownership in OOO Veselovskoye in Orenburg with licenses in the Volga-Ural region in South of Russia. The company has a total of 8 exploration and production licenses in its portfolio. Our first gas field started to deliver gas to the domestic marked in Ukhta 1st.Quarter 2010 and increasing oil production from Orenburg.
Норвежская компания с арабским названием :)
графики выше конечно ужс, чуть не банкрот если ничо не такого не было
Спасибо за инфу!
А то они мне работу предлагали, я сомневался, но щас точно откажусь
Гы-гы ))) Правильное решение...
Aladdin Oil & Gas Company ASA is a Norwegian based exploration and production company, head quartered in Oslo, with its shares traded on the OTC list under the ticker code AOGC. The company owns the Russian oil company OOO Geotechnologia which holds two licenses in the Timan-Pechora province in Northwest Russia, as well as 6 licenses through our companies ZAO Orneftegaz and OOO Veselovskoye in the Orenburg area.