LinkedIn spam или джек пот :)

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MironovEP 2023 15
Июн 14

Коллеги, от некоего афроамериканца, у которого заведен аккаунт на LinkedIN получил письмо: 

Dear Brother,

Thanks very much for your response.

With more clarification of my message to you earlier, I have with me
here an investment file and the owner of the fund Mrs. Mariam Traoré
want to invest in Real Estate Development and Hotel Building in your
country and this is the reason why I contacted you. The amount to be
invested is ($29 M) and actually deposited with Bank here in Togo.

If you are capable to handle this file, let me know so that I will
inform the Lady (Mrs. Mariam) to enable her lawyer prepare a fund
management contract that will be singed between the 2 parties (you and
her) to enable her release the fund to you for investment.

Also if you have any other field of investment (such as Petroleum,
Placement or  Currency with a better with a better income that we can
look into, kindly let me have details of it so that I can discuss that
with the fund owner.

Awaiting your confirmation.

нутром чую что в Того наверно меценатов точно нет, готовых вложить в "бедную" Россию матушку, но как то хочется проучить этих спамеров ..

Vladimir_K 75 11
Июн 14 #1

Мне пришла вот такая хрень:

Can you assist me to invest funds in your Country?

What type of business you are interested in?

My name is Joe Peter, in Lomé, Togo. It's just my urgent need for foreign partners, which led to my contact you about this deal. I am a banker by profession and currently hold the position of Chief Auditor in our Bank. I have the ability to pass unclaimed funds United States (seven million five hundred thousand dollars), belonging to one of my clients, who died in a car accident. When no one came to claim the money, and if remain unclaimed will be transferred to the State Treasury from the Bank.
So I invite you to a deal where we can facilitate the transfer of this Fund, and I promise you, 40% for you, as your percentage of the time, the Fund will be transferred to your bank account in your country nominated. If you agree with my proposal to business and more information on the transfer will be sent to you as soon as I receive your mail.
Yours sincerely
Peter Joe.

Бизнесом это назвать тяжело.

Бесплатный сыр только в мышеловке.


volvlad 2196 18
Июн 14 #2

Типичное нигерийское письмо) из соседнего Того.

volvlad 2196 18
Июн 14 #3

vostochka93 пишет:

Коллеги, от некоего афроамериканца, у которого заведен аккаунт на LinkedIN получил письмо: 

он никак не может быть от афроамериканца, если он не в Америке живет. Либо афроафриканец)), либо называть все своими именами.

Aleksander 230 12
Июн 14 #4

еще бывает наяривают люди с нетрадиционными религиозными взглядами, вот например на прошлой неделе пришло:

I am Mrs Amalia Chesa, harm coming to your privacy. I want to hand over this noble project to you with trust.i was diagnosed with cancer stravohodu.Vona has defied all forms of medical treatment, right now, I'm only about a few months to live and I want you to spread your money ($ 12 .5 MILLION USD) charity house as his promise to God.i allocated 40% to you and your family.
Please, I want to act as the new beneficiary of the Fund you my husband and I will make sure that the bank transfer the money to your account, all the documents from my lawyer
Recently, my Doctor told me that I would not last for the next four months due to cancer problem, though what disturbs me is my stroke. Having known my condition I decided to donate this fund to you or individual that will utilize this money the way I am going to instruct this Agreement.

I want to use this money to support orphanages and research centers, widows, build a house or mosque house of God is maintained. Bible made us to understand that blessed That hand Giveth.I took this decision because I don, t have any child will inherit this money and my husband relatives are not care and I don t want my husband money to be misused them. I don, t want a situation where this money will be used properly, thatis the reason for taking this bold decision.

I am not afraid of death because I know where I'm going. I know I'm going to be in the bosom of the Lord, out of 14 vs. 14 says that the Lord will fight my case and I shall hold my peace.i don, t have telephone communication in this regard for my health and that presence of my husband's relatives around me always. I don t want them to know about this Development.I refer you to my attorney as soon as you respond.

With God all things are possible. As soon as I receive your reply. I will also issue you a letter that will empower you, the new beneficiary of this fund. I want you to always pray for me because the Lord is my Shepherd. My happiness is that I lived a worthy Christian life. Whoever that wants to serve the Lord must serve him in spirit and truth, Please always be Prayerful throughout your life.
Any delay in your reply will give me room in sarching to the individual for this same purpose. Please assure me that you will act accordingly as I stated that Herein.please I would also like you to give me full information (1) phone telephone cell phone number and full home address and any thing to use to identify you ID or international passport, so I use it and contact the bank. I will write authorization letter to the bank to release my fund vam.Os my personal e-mail (

You in Christ,


Mrs Amalia Chesa CEC.

MironovEP 2023 15
Июн 14 #5

и ведь нет такой международной комиссии по спаму куда можно пожаловаться.. 

про афроамериканца..да.. пытался помягче выразиться

AGA 740 13
Июн 14 #6

ничего Вы не понимаете! Люди хотят деньгами поделится, а Вы все боитесь, что Вас кинут =)

sNeG 863 14
Июн 14 #7

Да нам чужого не надо!

Michael1992 41 11
Июн 14 #8

это уже известная штука, она даже имеет определение

UnsteadyWell 5 10
Июн 14 #9

C linkedin была неприятная история; покупал платный аккаунт за 3т.р. на месяц через карту, через месяц сайтом не прользовался, т.к. нее было необходимости. Еще через месяц приходит письмо о том, что linkedin не может снять средства для оплаты 3го месяца обслуживания. Оказалось, что подписка автоматически продлевалась, хотя в соглашении было сказано только про оплату 1го месяца, В поддержке сказали, что да, это так, дали ссылку на FAQ глубоко на сайте с соответствующим пунктом. Забил. Позже увидел, что добавили пункт в договор...

Алексей GP 1 11
Июн 14 #10

LinkedIN полностью платный сайт? без оплаты  не дает установить контакт с другими пользователями

eldar1 41 16
Июн 14 #12

Обычное "нигерийское письмо" - развод на деньги, гуляет по интернету уже лет 8

Art_Mo 12 11
Июн 14 #13

vostochka93 пишет:

но как то хочется проучить этих спамеров ..


Ну, например, вот так:

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