ecl features

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Dorzhi 970 18
Янв 13

1. to run model in batch. Create run.bat file with text:

CALL $eclipse -batch -ver 2011.1 -priority h -local FILE1

CALL $eclipse -batch -ver 2011.1 -priority h -local FILE2

2. to automatically check if license available:

Open the file eclrun.config , which should be in the macro folder of your Eclipse installation (e.g. c:\ecl\macro). Most likely its default content is:





 Add the line <ChkLicOnWin>TRUE</ChkLicOnWin> , i.e., the file should look as:






3.  to kill process if it is not killed automatically:

lmutil lmremove -c 27000@xlicense-hag -h eclipse XLICENSE-HAG 27000  1722

change 1722 to you process number and run in CMD




RomanK. 2145 16
Янв 13 #1

 запускаю через eclrun eclipse name

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