Problem on Well head data importing

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Celebrity 1578 17
Фев 11 #1

if you want to replace space to tab, you can easily do it at any text editor. For example, common notepad.
Firstly insert tab symbol to text and copy it, then go to Edit=>replace and paste "tab" to second line (first line will be "space").
Tab symbol look likes this "square".

raminhoo 5 14
Фев 11 #2

thx. but it doesn't working.
look, this is the error message:
"at line 1 found entry with incorrect format:
expecting a numeric value for attribute: Surface X
please make sure no tab-key is inserted between numeric values."
there is no tab, thx to you wink.gif
i think everything is set, stillll... sad.gif
if u can take a look at my file, i wrote it from an existing project which was in jpg format.

Celebrity 1578 17
Фев 11 #3

i have no problems with your file and imported it quiet fast.
I do nothing with it.

Here is image of importing2011_02_28_112901.jpg

raminhoo 5 14
Фев 11 #4

very very thx. the pic u provided was very helpful. the problem was in the number of header lines, the value was 0 blush.gif
you are the BEST wub.gif

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